The story begins in 1992 on the campus of the University of Montana when we meet each other, and fell in love. First came love, then came marriage, and then came the baby in the baby carriage. We have had a great life so far, and have lived abroad in three different countries.
As our daughter grew older and older, we realized that soon we would have to make it on our own again. So we started prioritizing what we wanted out of life once we became empty nesters. We started downsizing about two years before our daughter graduated, and once she graduated we kicked things into high gear. We sold our large 5 bedroom house and traded to a tiny two bedroom condo. Inspired by the Minimalist and KonMari, this gave us the resources to pay off some debt, re-evaluate what is important to us, and have the chance to live abroad part time again.
Traveling is great, but for us, the full emersion of living abroad has always held a great attraction. I am so excited to share our experiences, tips and travel information with all of you. Feel free to comment on our blog or email us with questions.
Love / Travel / Experience